In Austin and the surrounding areas, residents enjoy an active lifestyle. You might spend your weekends hiking or enjoying long walks in Zilker Park or you might simply choose to do your local errands on foot, rather than using your vehicle.
As a pedestrian, you share the road with other pedestrians, a variety of motor vehicles, and others on small vehicles like bicycles and skateboards. Another individual’s negligence, a design flaw or malfunction in a vehicle, or a poorly-maintained roadway can all lead to a collision or another type of accident, which can in turn lead to an injury or even a wrongful death. If you suffer an injury in a pedestrian accident or if you lose a loved one in this type of accident, you can potentially recover compensation for your damages through a personal injury or wrongful death claim.
Which Damages Can I Seek Through a Pedestrian Accident Claim?
If you are injured in a pedestrian accident, you may seek compensation for the following damages through a personal injury claim:
- Medical expenses;
- Lost wages; and
- Pain and suffering, which covers miscellaneous expenses like your need for psychological counseling or a mobility aid while you recover from your injury.
If you lose a loved one in an accident caused by another party’s negligence, you may recover the following through a wrongful death claim, depending on your relationship to the victim:
- Funeral expenses;
- The loss of the victim’s income;
- The loss of the victim’s projected income and assets; and
- The loss of the victim’s companionship and guidance.
Seeking Compensation for your Damages in a Pedestrian Accident
In Texas, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is two years from the date of the accident. This is also true for wrongful death claims.
If you are involved in a pedestrian accident, collect as much evidence to support your claim as you can during the moments immediately following the accident. This evidence can include photographs of the accident, contact information and testimonies from witnesses to the accident, and a copy of the official police report. Other evidence you might need later can include documentation of your medical diagnosis and treatment and a digital reconstruction of your accident.
For a wrongful death claim, the evidence used to support your claim is similar to the evidence used with a personal injury claim. Other evidence that you use can include documentation of the victim’s yearly income and the bill for his or her funeral. Your lawyer can help you acquire the necessary pieces of evidence to use to support your personal injury or wrongful death claim.
Work with an Austin Pedestrian Accident Lawyer
If you are suffering an injury due to your involvement in a pedestrian accident, you could be entitled to monetary compensation through a personal injury claim with the help of an Austin pedestrian accident attorney. To learn more about this process and to get started on your claim, contact our team of experienced Austin personal injury attorneys at The Law Office Of Robert L. Buford today.